Thursday, June 6, 2013

Big Changes

The time has come for our fourth year of podiatry school.  We have heard about the horror from our predecessors and we put it out of our minds for as long as possible.  To fill you in a bit, Rich will be traveling around the US interviewing at different hospitals for 6 whole months without us!  Each month he will be in a different place.  Above are all of the places he is going, and the two little ladies way across the country in Utah are Henley and myself. So currently, we are here living with my parents while the hubby is in Michigan working his fanny off trying to impress those in charge.
Moving rules in our house: No shoes, no shirt, no problem. (Most anyone in our apt complex would have fit the bill).  The poor thing endured two full weeks of me packing like a champ.  Couldn't have asked for a better baby.
My parents were awesome and drove out to Iowa to help us move most of our stuff to a storage unit and to drive back to the west with us.  Biggest blessing!  They were so helpful and I can't imagine doing that drive with just Henley and myself.  Side note: During this move I have realized that our "stuff"...yea, mostly junk.  Not sure why we care to store it.  Can't wait for the day when we can buy furniture that matches.
 The Graff's were awesome and helped us out all day.  Best friends evah!
 The U-Haul place was super super sketchy.  The reviews online said to take a friend with you.  Um, yes.
 Last day in our apartment.  Such a bitter sweet time.  A lot in our lives happened and changed in that apartment.  It was our first long term place we lived as a married couple, first time I moved away from Utah for an extended period of time (best thing), it was the place we brought Henley home to...we made a lot of great friends and memories in Iowa.  We will miss that place dearly.
On a more up-and-up note, Henley is 8.5 mths old!!  Time is flying right before our eyes.  Quick rundown on her - army crawling and getting up on hands and knees to rock back and forth, no teeth, loves eating everything we are eating, very noisy eater, loves being around other people, music is her favorite thing, her favorite toy is cords and straps on bags, hates getting her nose wiped, cute as a button.

I promise I wasn't stepping on her here.  She loves it when I put my foot on her tummy while I shake it so she can hold on.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, you have one cute baby! And good luck on the next 6 months. I kind of have a pit in my stomach just thinking about it. But you can do it, and it won't seem that bad when it's done!
