Wednesday, April 3, 2013

6 Months & Easter Time

Six months have come and gone and I cannot believe how fast time flies.  Every stage Henley goes through, I find myself saying that I don't want this stage to end.  The greatest part about it is every stage gets better and better.  Currently Henley is in to:
1.  Sitting up by herself
2.  Holding her own spoon while being fed with another spoon
3.  Saying ba-ba-ba-ba and ma-ma-ma-ma (too bad she doesn't link the ma-ma to me)
4.  Loves fighting naps
5. Hates getting dressed.  She would live in a diaper if I let her. 
6.  Sticking her tongue out is her new favorite pastime, along with playing with her binky
7.  Side sleeper at heart.  We finally grew out of swaddling (rough, rough transition) and she will only sleep on her side.
8.  Loves her jumper bumper.  In fact she enjoys anything that allows her to move on her own.
9.  Mesmerized by watching other kids play.  We thrive at play groups.

Her first Easter was pretty uneventful.  We went to church which would have been enough, but our neighbors were having an easter egg hunt and we decided to join.  It was deceivingly cold and windy.  Once snot started running into Henley's mouth, we called it quits.  She had picked up one egg which tells you how long we were there.  

 Freezing our buns off.
 Thanks Grandma Hanks for the adorable Easter dress.  
 This picture cracks me up.  She was very busy talking.

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