We have been busy out here in old Iowa. Rich's schedule has been much lighter this semester. Hallelujah!! We are trying to eat at all of our favorite restaurants before we move (yes it has already been 3 years...we can't believe it). So we hit up Zombie burger. Super filling and fattening. Just our kind of place. Rich ordered the Trailer Trash Burger which had an egg on it and fries. I can't remember the name of mine but it had all sorts of ooey gooey blue cheese on it. Divine!

Below is Henley before feeding time. The girl gets just as excited as her mom about food. Basically the only thing I passed on to her. Awesome.
Cosmic bowling. The scores show how terrible we are. My first 5 bowls went straight into the gutter. The system gave me one pin though on the first bowl probably because it felt bad for me. The cosmic lights were a little much for Henley. She was whizzing her head around so much at one point, I thought it might pop off.
For Valentine's Day we hit up Cheesecake Factory. I can't get enough of that place and their Chicken Di Pana. Henley and Richard were dream dates.
We went with a few friends to the YMCA and Henley got to sport her new flamingo swimsuit. Probably the cutest thing I have ever seen.
Henley's V-Day outfits below. She was smiles all day until I turned the camera on. Then it was all stares and blank faces.