So we officially hit our one year of marriage mark!! Lots of things have changed since last August 14, but just to name a few:
- We now live in Des Moines, IA where corn fields are abundant, but not as plentiful as the overly-tanned leathery ladies. Seriously, they are everywhere.
- I have actually learned to cook...and I really enjoy it! Who knew?!
- We both know things we would have never known pre-marriage. For example, Rich knows all about the Bachelorette or Bachelor, the contestants, and has an opinion on who he thinks will win. And I know more about the BCS, Pack 10, and Fantasy Football than I ever thought possible.
Two things that haven't changed:
- No children :)
- No pets

Disclaimer for the pic above: Rich wanted to take a knife/scary pic before we left for dinner. Not sure why, but we sure do look cool.
Here's just a little run down of our anniversary events. We celebrated it a little early in Utah by going to a Real soccer game and staying over night in Grand America. I was really excited about Grand America and it lived up to its expectations...super fun and relaxing! So on the actual day we went to a place called "Bang Bang - Mongolian Grill". Let's just say it was overrated. Too many choices + all you can eat = average. Afterwards we decided to go to a movie. Rich wanted to see "Scott Pilgrim"...barf. Instead we went to Toy Story 3 which was a great choice. Our first anniversary was terrific along with our first year!! Happy Anniversary to us!!